Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fun Facts

-This is my address:
Rebekah Horvath
s/c ACI Baobab Center
B.P. 5270
Dakar – Fann

As long as you send me mail that isn't a package before the 10th of April I should get it. I will reply. Promise.

-"If you see a monkey sitting at the foot of a tree, he is either getting ready to climb it or he has just come down." (in French) A young Senegalese man gave us this insight at our gender cultural orientation. It was in reference to platonic male/female relations. He's not a believer and neither are most of the people here. They're also not believers in sex before marriage, public displays of afection, or homosexuality but, since these are "fun facts," we will save the gender blog for a later time.

-There are many ways to caffeinate yourself in Senegal: 1) Nescafe-Instant coffee crystals that you put in a cup with lots of powdered milk and, if you're Senegalase, sugar cubes. This is the locals' favorite. This is the form of caffine I enjoy every morninging with my baguette, my butter, and the homemade blackberry jam I gave my family as a present. I'm not complaining. 2) Cafe Touba- A very strong, sweet, spiced coffee. We drink this with Ramadan our casual culture and Wolof teacher who serves it from his tent located down the street from the Baobab center where we take classes. More on Ramadan later because he is AMAZING. 3) Ataya-The traditional tea served in three decreasingly strong and increasingly sweet rounds, sometimes with mint involved. When making it, they pour it from great hights between tiney cups. I love ataya more than I can explain and I'm going to learn how to make it even though my family doesn't drink it. 4) Expresso- Jess and I discoved a fancy coffee shop down the steet from our houses. We're thinking most of their business is beans and machines but they also sell fresh expresso and thus a little tase of home. They gave us free shots the first time we stumbled in and I don't think they yet realize how worthwhile that decision was.

Enough for now. Love love. (Pictures soon hopefully)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the fascinating posts. You have followers out here. All our love, Andy
