Thursday, February 11, 2010

This post is not consistant

So, before I write another post I wanted to get you guys some photos that have been hanging out in my camera for a while.
These are all from Ile de Goree. It's an island just south of Dakar that we visited the first weekend. It's in a pretty sweet location so there were lots of battles over it resulting in some very interesting Portuguese/French architecture. It was also one of the main slave trade islands so there's a pretty sad history to go along with the beautiful little island. They say it looks like a piece of cheese, I'm not convinced.

This is my bedroom. It's cozy and I share it with numerous critters. My mosquito net keeps them off my body while I sleep as well as making me feel like a princess. Score.
ATAYA!! You have to pour it from unbelievable heights to make the prized foam that sits atop the sugar tea. I'm not good at it YET but I bought a set and am going to practice until I am a master. Be ready.
Ramadan. My hero. This man is the kindest man in all of Senegal which is really saying something because the country is all about hospitality. He sells us cafe Touba and teaches us Wolof and culture. He makes up words and songs. Example: Jeunehommnomm. He answers "tranquil" with a rolled r when you ask him how he's doing. He gave us all Senegalese names. Mine is Fatukiné. His American name is Toby. Last weekend he invited us to his house to learn how to cook traditional food with his sister (the woman making tea). I will definitely be writing more on him in the near future.

Love love.

1 comment:

  1. please beans please marry that man. you are a princess and I love you
